Prostate Cancer Symptoms Never To Ignore

Symptoms of prostate cancer generally become more noticeable in the advanced stages of the disease. Prostate cancer symptoms are not usually caused by the cancer itself, but rather as a result of blockage caused by the increased growth of the prostate gland.

This growth can affect a man’s sexual performance and also cause urinary tract difficulties. This is why it’s imperative to have a yearly check-up done in order to catch prostate cancer in the early stages when it can be treated more effectively.

In the earliest stages of prostate cancer, it can be difficult to determine the presence of the disease as there are no discernable warning signs.

Note that symptoms associated with prostate cancer can also be caused by other non-cancerous diseases, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI) or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

BPH latter is often confused as prostate cancer. Your doctor can help to diagnose your exact condition and address any of the issues listed below and offer treatments too.


1) A Noticeable burning while urinating or during ejaculation

2) A frequent need to urinate

3) Blood in urine

4) Blood in semen

5) Pain in the bones

6) Erectile dysfunction

7) Difficulty starting or stopping a stream of urine

8) Inability to urinate standing up

9) Weak or decreased flow in your urinary stream

10) Difficulty starting urination or a need to hold back while urinating

11) Pain and discomfort in the pelvic area, lower back or upper thighs


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