How to tell whether your baby is getting enough breast milk?

Many mothers worry that they're not producing enough milk for their babies, but most women make plenty of milk. Here are four ways you can tell whether your baby's getting enough:

• Pump out your breast milk into a graduated bottle
Many mothers can't tell how much milk they produce per feeding. If your baby is losing weight or you are worried about how much breast milk your baby is receiving, it is time to measure it by pumping it out.

Pump out some breast milk over a period of 30 minutes to 1hr. If the milk is too small, it is time you change your diet to a breast milk producing diet or look into supplementing your baby's meal with formular

• Plenty of dirty diapers. A baby younger than 1 month old who's nursing well will have frequent mustard-yellow stools. Some babies have one after every feeding. Your baby will also have six to eight wet diapers a day if he's getting enough breast milk.

• Weigh your baby several times a week. He should be gaining an average of half an ounce to an ounce a day during the first three months, and half an ounce a day between 3 and 6 months.

• Frequent, round-the-clock nursing.You're breastfeeding at least seven times every 24 hours. (During your baby's first month, you should nurse even more, at least eight to 12 times per day.) Even if your baby wants to nurse all the time, that doesn't necessarily mean he's hungry. Some babies nurse for comfort, have a strong urge to suck, or simply crave contact with their mother.


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