Can I supplement my breastfed baby's diet with formula?

Yes, it's perfectly safe to supplement a breastfed baby's diet with formula. Some moms decide to supplement with formula when they go back to work. They may have trouble pumping regularly, but they don't want to give up nursing entirely.

Others supplement because their baby isn't getting enough breast milk to grow properly. And many moms just want the freedom to let a family member or babysitter give an occasional bottle.

Whatever your reasons for supplementing, keep in mind that any amount of breast milk is always better than none, so the longer you can nurse your baby, the better – even if it's just once or twice a day. Although formula provides all the nutrients your baby needs, it lacks the unique immune factors that can protect your baby from some illnesses.

Will supplementing with formula affect my milk supply?

Your supply of breast milk depends on your baby's demand for it, so the less often you nurse, the less milk your breasts will produce.

If you supplement with one or two bottles a week, the effect on your milk supply should be minimal. But if you start supplementing with formula regularly, even for just one feeding a day, your milk supply will diminish (at least until you reinstate the missed feeding).

You can also pump breast milk when you're giving your baby supplemental formula to build up a bank of expressed milk to freeze and use later. This will help to keep your milk supply up, even as you're bottle-feeding with formula or breast milk more frequently


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