Pediatricians recommend waiting until your baby is at least 12 months before introducing honey because it may contain spores of bacteria that can cause botulism. This doesn't mean our honey supply is contaminated -- these bacteria are harmless to adults and children over 1year of age.

Honey can, very occasionally, contain a spore of a bacterium called clostridium botulinum. This can cause a rare form of food poisoning (botulism) in babies.

The botulism spores can only be killed by the high heat which can be obtained in a pressure canner.
According to WHO, the toxin (that is produced in anaerobic conditions) can only be destroyed by boiling. So technically, honey is not safe forinfants even in cooked form such as in baked foods like breads.

If your baby has botulism, he may start to show symptoms eight hours to 36 hours after eating honey. Visit your doctor straight away if your baby has eaten honey, and then has the following:

• constipation

• restlessness

• a lack of appetite

Another reason not to add honey or sugar to your baby's foods and drinks is because they can be damaging to his emerging teeth. They may also encourage a sweet tooth. If you would like to add more flavour to your baby's food, such as baby rice or plain yoghurt, try adding puréed fruit, mashed banana, or dried fruit. These foods are naturally sweet and also contain valuable vitamins and minerals.

It's also best to not give your baby fruit smoothies or sweetened yoghurts. Some yoghurts and smoothies contain honey to sweeten it. Heat treatment during production may have killed any bacteria present, but these products still contain high amounts of sugar.


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