Paracetamol Dose Calculator, paracetamol poisoning and safety in children.
*Paracetamol is used for relief of pain and fever symptoms. *paracetamol can be used for children and babies over 3 months old. Babies less than 3 months must see a pediatrician before taking paracetamol. *Paracetamol has various brand names in Nigeria - panda, Panadol, M&B paracetamol, Emzor paracetamol etc. They are all the same but with different concentrations. *A lot of cold medicines have paracetamol in them, so please be careful when giving medicines to children and always check what you are giving. If you have any doubts do not give. Check with your pharmacist. * The correct dose for your child is based on weight, not age. If you don't know how much your child weighs and he's too young to stand on a scale, weigh yourself while holding him and then weigh yourself alone. Subtract your weight from the combined weight to get your child's weight. *The usual dose is 15 mg per kilogram of weight. In other words, if a baby weighs ...
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